• Start your career in the Meat Industry

    Tips and information to gain a career in the meat industry.

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    Create a resume that 'wows'

    Put your best foot forward

    A well-written resume is a key part of any job application. It is the opportunity for you to put your best foot forward, get attention from employers and to convince employers to interview you, or even hire you. It can also sell your strengths even if you don't have much paid experience.


    Keep your resume short and concise, close to two pages, and if a cover letter isn’t required include a career objective or development goal in your resume detailing how you best fit the job.


    Your resume should include:

    1. Your full name
    2. Your full residential address
    3. All your phone and email contact details. Among these should be a phone number that can be accessed after-hours, preferably your mobile. Your email address should be an email account that you are able to access daily with an appropriate and professional address. If not, set up a new email address purely for your job searching.
    Get more resume tips and examples here
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    Research employers

    Who is hiring?

    Learn as much as you can about the meat industry and employers in your local area including: researching trade associations (eg: Australian Pork, Meat Industry Association) what employers in your area do, what employers produce. How large is the organisation? Where does it operate from and who are some potential business partners and who are their main competitors. By showing you understand the industry you will gain a competitive edge in the recruitment process.

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    Job interviews

    Get prepared to get that job

    Being well prepared is the first step to appearing relaxed and confident in a job interview. One way to prepare is to think of answers for questions you might get. Here are some common job interview questions to help you prepare for your interview:

    • Tell me about yourself.
    • What were your responsibilities?

    • What is your greatest strength?

    • What is your greatest weakness?
    • How do you evaluate success?

    • Why do you want this job?

    • What are your career plans, after completing your apprenticeship?
    Interview Tips:
    • Check out the location, plan your journey and make sure you leave enough travel time whether by car or public transport.
    • Smile and make eye contact with everyone you are introduced to. Be prepared to shake hands (firmly and confidently). You can expect to be interviewed by more than one person.
    • Listen attentively and be sure not to let your mind wander away during your interview.
    • Tell the truth when asked a question, if you don’t have a particular skill, say so. However, let them know you are keen to learn new things.
    Find out more tips to help you prepare for your interview here.
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    Group Training Organisations

    Get support

    Group Training Organisations are companies that employ apprentices and trainees and place them with a host employer. Host employers provide on-the-job training for apprenticeships or traineeships. Group Training Organisations provide care and support so that you can achieve the successful completion of your apprenticeship or traineeship.


    Find out more at Training Services NSW

  • Learn more about starting your career at My Skills.